Prenota online per un'esperienza di prenotazione sicura e diretta con l'Original Safari Blue
28 anni di creazione di esperienze straordinarie
Fai nuove amicizie a bordo, ammira il mondo sottomarino accompagnato da una guida per lo snorkeling, gusta cibo e bevande deliziosi. Tutto è incluso, dall'attrezzatura per lo snorkeling di qualità a cibo e bevande in abbondanza per tutto il giorno, senza extra nascosti!
Scopri l'esclusiva 'Bubble Boat', una barca privata e un tavolo privato nel nostro ristorante sull'isola di Kwale. Una scelta di bevande analcoliche e alcoliche a bordo di uno dei nostri bellissimi dhow dotati di cuscini per il tuo comfort extra. Ti aspetta un'avventura indimenticabile sull'isola!
Il Safari Blue Private Charter è una vera esperienza da "lista dei desideri". Un dhow privato con equipaggio dedicato, itinerario personalizzato, pranzo privato e molti "extra". Il nostro team di catering prepara e serve un sontuoso pranzo a base di pesce in un luogo appartato. Scegli questo per una giornata "unica nella vita".
Safari Blue è l'unico operatore autorizzato a utilizzare il nome "Safari Blue". È il nostro nome commerciale registrato non termine generico per indicare una gita in barca a Zanzibar.
L'azienda ha iniziato la sua attività nel 1995 e la sua proprietaria Eleanor è appassionata di Zanzibar, rispettandone la gente e la cultura e preservandone lo splendido ambiente.
Una prenotazione con noi assicura che tutto sia incluso dall'arrivo alla partenza. Forniamo attrezzatura per lo snorkeling, cibo e bevande per tutto il giorno.
Ci prendiamo cura anche dell'ambiente riducendo al minimo il nostro impatto, riducendo gli sprechi, riciclando dove possibile, compostando gli scarti alimentari, raccogliendo l'acqua piovana e utilizzando l'energia solare. Cuciniamo con il gas dove possibile, non utilizziamo mai sacchetti di plastica, piatti di plastica o bicchieri usa e getta e gestiamo tutti i nostri rifiuti in modo responsabile.
Ci prendiamo cura del nostro personale e gli paghiamo uno stipendio dignitoso. Rimangono con noi, infatti molti lavorano con noi dal 1996. Miglioriamo la vita degli zanzibarini attraverso il nostro programma di responsabilità sociale d'impresa. Ci teniamo a essere onesti con i nostri ospiti.
Zanzibar in realtà si chiama Unguja ed è una delle due isole dell'arcipelago di Zanzibar.
Vi presentiamo il meglio che Zanzibar ha da offrire: paesaggi mozzafiato, acque cristalline, cibo delizioso e l'impareggiabile ospitalità swahili.
Fidatevi di noi: siamo una società seria, mettiamo i nostri clienti al primo posto, ci prendiamo cura del nostro equipaggio e diamo un contributo significativo a Zanzibar.
Rilassato o vivace: sei tu a stabilire il ritmo.
Il nostro obiettivo è quello di regalare a ogni singolo ospite a bordo una giornata indimenticabile e magica.
Ci impegniamo molto per far sì che i nostri dhow siano sempre belli.
Abilmente costruito in mogano africano e rifinito secondo i più elevati standard dell'artigianato zanzibarino.
If you are looking for an amazing place near Cape Town to stay with a group of family or friends then look no further than this amazing house newly built, beautifully furnished and equipped and the most stunning beach location. Owned by a dear friend of @safari_blue_zanzibar @chrislovescapetown @chrislovescapetown and we can 100% recommend this place!
If you are looking for an amazing place near Cape Town to stay with a group of family or friends then look no further than this amazing house newly built, beautifully furnished and equipped and the most stunning beach location. Owned by a dear friend of @safari_blue_zanzibar @chrislovescapetown @chrislovescapetown and we can 100% recommend this place! ...
Wishing all our hardworking staff and our guests a blessed and peaceful Ramadan. Our crew are fasting for this holy month which means no food OR drinks from sunrise to sunset. Working out in the sun all day can be very challenging but they undertake this responsibility with their usual good nature and resilience. Ramadan Kareem !
Wishing all our hardworking staff and our guests a blessed and peaceful Ramadan. Our crew are fasting for this holy month which means no food OR drinks from sunrise to sunset. Working out in the sun all day can be very challenging but they undertake this responsibility with their usual good nature and resilience. Ramadan Kareem ! ...
The Treetops private dining venue is taking @safari_blue_zanzibar to an all time high! We have always been towering above the competition but our elevated dining experience has our clients on cloud nine with the heavenly views from the upper deck!
The Treetops private dining venue is taking @safari_blue_zanzibar to an all time high! We have always been towering above the competition but our elevated dining experience has our clients on cloud nine with the heavenly views from the upper deck! ...
This is Mwinyi Said. The first crew member of Safari Blue working with us from 1995 until he retired due to ill health about 18 months ago. Mwinyi was so instrumental in those early days of setting up Safari Blue and remained a key and important figure over the years. Mwinyi introduced many family members and friends to us, all of whom remain on our team today. Sadly on Thursday 23rd January after a grueling illness Mwinyi passed away. His funeral was one of the biggest Fumba village had ever seen; he was such an important figure for so many. Passionate about the sea, a highly competent sailor, he will be sorely missed. Rest in peace Mwinyi. We will never forget you.
This is Mwinyi Said. The first crew member of Safari Blue working with us from 1995 until he retired due to ill health about 18 months ago. Mwinyi was so instrumental in those early days of setting up Safari Blue and remained a key and important figure over the years. Mwinyi introduced many family members and friends to us, all of whom remain on our team today. Sadly on Thursday 23rd January after a grueling illness Mwinyi passed away. His funeral was one of the biggest Fumba village had ever seen; he was such an important figure for so many. Passionate about the sea, a highly competent sailor, he will be sorely missed. Rest in peace Mwinyi. We will never forget you. ...
Being a foodie myself means that making sure we serve an excellent lunch is vital. At Treetops 🌴 our new private dining location the food and the views are both stupendous! We are head and shoulders (quite literally) above everyone else! Choose Treetops as your lunch venue and set your sights high !
Being a foodie myself means that making sure we serve an excellent lunch is vital. At Treetops 🌴 our new private dining location the food and the views are both stupendous! We are head and shoulders (quite literally) above everyone else! Choose Treetops as your lunch venue and set your sights high ! ...
The colours and sights of a day out with Safari Blue. Therapy for the soul! Our new lunch venue a beautiful tree house we call Treetops puts you feeling on top of the world
The colours and sights of a day out with Safari Blue. Therapy for the soul! Our new lunch venue a beautiful tree house we call Treetops puts you feeling on top of the world ...
We had lunch at our new dining spot “Treetops”. We didn’t twig how high up we were until we looked down and we were rooted 🫚to the spot with wonder! We felt on top of the world and we didn’t want to leave 🍃but we branched out and moved to the lower deck after a delicious lunch. The vital supplies basket 🧺 and pulley system is a hoot.
Want to experience it for yourself ? Go to and book the private charter trip! Thanks to @caroline_langevoord for the videos!
We had lunch at our new dining spot “Treetops”. We didn’t twig how high up we were until we looked down and we were rooted 🫚to the spot with wonder! We felt on top of the world and we didn’t want to leave 🍃but we branched out and moved to the lower deck after a delicious lunch. The vital supplies basket 🧺 and pulley system is a hoot.
Want to experience it for yourself ? Go to and book the private charter trip! Thanks to @caroline_langevoord for the videos!