About Us

About Us

Safari Blue is the only operator licensed to use the name “Safari Blue”. It is our registered trade name not a generic term for a Zanzibar boat trip.

The company began life back in 1995 and its owner Eleanor is passionate about Zanzibar, preserving its stunning environment and its people.

Safari Blue has, over the years been plagued by many copycat operators who try to pass themselves off as us, frankly because we have such a great product and reputation. You might think that we should be flattered by this, but sadly they do confuse visitors who book the copycat version in error and are often left disappointed. Our crew wear our distinctive Safari Blue T-shirts and our boats proudly sport our logo. So if the boat doesn’t have our banner and the crew aren’t in our uniform, it is NOT the Safari Blue tour but something else.
(This warning is written at the request of people who mistakenly booked copycat trips.)


We have our own online booking portal so you can book instantly and directly with us. If you are booking through a third party you can check to see if they are one of our Trusted Sales Partners.

Our Footprint

We also take care of the environment by minimizing our footprint, reducing waste, recycling where we can, composting food waste, harvesting rain water and using solar energy. We cook with gas where possible, we never use plastic bags, plastic plates or disposable cups and handle all our rubbish responsibly.


We take care of our staff and pay them a decent wage. They stay with us – in fact many have worked with us since 1996. We improve the lives of Zanzibaris through our programme of Social Corporate Responsibility. We care about being honest with our guests.
